Transforming lives...
Welcome to HG College – we’ve been a leading provider of mental health and psychotherapy training for over 25 years, introducing many new ideas into the field. Our focus is on giving you the knowledge and skills you need to be able to help people more effectively, whilst developing your career…
Practical, evidence-based training
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The most inspirational training I have ever had.
dr Jane Burrows, B.Sc, M.D., CCFP(EM)
Even more helpful and stimulating than advertised! Such breadth of information and immediate practicality – this has to be the future for mental health provision.
The impact of human givens training has been unbelievable – positive, quick results which enable distressed people to engage in quality of life once more.
The most inspirational training I have ever had.
dr Jane Burrows, B.Sc, M.D., CCFP(EM)
Even more helpful and stimulating than advertised! Such breadth of information and immediate practicality – this has to be the future for mental health provision.
The impact of human givens training has been unbelievable – positive, quick results which enable distressed people to engage in quality of life once more.
The most inspirational training I have ever had.
dr Jane Burrows, B.Sc, M.D., CCFP(EM)
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Our training has been independently assessed by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office.
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